Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stop Playing Games

In 1929 and 1930, when the economy started to sputter, President Hoover started to tinker. Truth be told, despite the fact that history has given him a bum rap on his handling of the period, Hoover had a pretty fair understanding of things economic. Hoover even tried some very creative things; many, of which were then expanded by FDR to make the "New Deal."

Yet, as we all know, due to his "tinkering" a sound and unified policy was not formulated in time and the economy tanked. In came FDR and after a continued period of tinkering the sputtered economy started to crawl forward. By the time the war was over, we were the world's economy.

Obama's Stim

Today, President Obama's stim, which by all accounts should have been larger, is proving to have been not enough to save our economy from the direction it went in 1930. What separated the country then, however, from now is that the Democrats (Hoover was a Republican) did not want the president to fail. In 1930, people knew that when a president failed, the country suffered.

Today, still the most effective weapon for most republicans in the war to defeat the economic downturn is the tax cut. In order to understand the effectiveness of the tax cut, one does not need to understand economics. The tax cut, whispered like 10 Hail Mary's after confession, is no longer an economic instrument. It is and will be for the next decade solely a political one. One whose sole reason is to give more wealth to the wealthy.

Our nation today, is for all intents and purposes bankrupt. 30 years ago, the middle class worker's wage was closer to his boss's by 20 times. The 20% wealthiest today control 84% of the naitons wealth. When the republicans give them tax breaks, that wealth increases. And the wealth of the nation shrinks on two fronts: a) we lose that money that should have been collected; and, b) the nation loses the benefit from that money that would have been invested in something like a bridge, a school, etc.

Rush is the GOP

Today, staring down the barrel of a shotgun that has not been seen since 1932, President Obama is trying to save our nation. Yet, the republicans led by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and that scattering of Christian, in-bred misfits and walking dead in Congress, are doing everything in their power to destroy his attempts; to play politics as usual.

We are beyond politics. Politics are what the GOP have been playing since 1981. Their political games tried to destroy Clinton and we can argue that their tireless efforts at proving he and his wife were thieves might have been just enough to have weakened his attempts to combat terrorism. W.'s game even made scientific facts on the environment doubtful--despite being proven by scientists all over the globe that global warming was real.

Today, as millions lose their jobs, the republicans continue their polical game by calling for tax cuts. They look at it like this: their objections to his stimulus package were enough to have made it smaller and less effective than it should have been. This battle, they have they won. Their strategy now is such that if each month 600,000 jobs will be lost, by the end of the year Obama will almost be a lame duck. This would mean yet a another victory for them, for the republican party!

W. was absent when the economy started to tank and under the guidance of Newt Gingrich the republicans refused to support a bail out in October. Today, they refuse to help America because they want us all to fail so they can go back to playing games.

If you ask me why I hate the republican party it is because the games I like playing, yatzee, scrabble, hearts and others are usually fun experiences shared with family and friends while have some chips, salsa and some beers.

The games the GOP lives for result in destruction of families; economic dismemberment; societal collapse; environmental collapse; rising crime; and, probably may have resulted in the 10 deaths in Alabama yesterday by a distraught man: he probably had lost his job, was economically irrelevant, and, oh, he also had ready access to very leathal weapons (whose sales support an organization that has great power over the GOP, the NRA).

Game over. Tax cuts are politics and politics are games. The next time you hear someone speak out in support of them, walk up to them and scream at the top of your lungs: STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH MY COUNTRY!

1 comment:

Christian said...

Looking forward to the nazi dinner. I will come hun-gry.
2 whole followers on the superblog!