Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Now I Could Vomit!

Yesterday's loss in Massachusetts was not the great rebuke of President Obama as the so-called "pundits" are saying it is.

The loss yesterday was a victory for the Republican Establishment. They are truly good at what they do. Great, maybe. Despite the worst 8 years in our nation's history, despite the fact that the party which is supposedly better at protecting us failed (see 9/11), despite the fact that the party for less government created more than any president in our history (see The Department of Homeland Security), despite the fact that the party supposedly better at creating jobs via their endless tax-cuts (see "zero job creation since December 1999"), Americans have very, very quickly forgotten that it is these same tired and failed Republicans who have spent all of 2009 lying about the benefits to be gained from health care reform--and most recently, the proposed tax on the massive bank bonuses.

They are disgusting. Oh, and the dems are ball-less. Absolutely, utterly ball-less! If the shoe was on the other foot and it was the republicans seeking to pass health care reform (one that would certainly only really benefit insurance companies) do you really think the republicans would have decided not to force through passage of health care in the 15 days it will take to certify these election results? Never! These fascists would, as they did with the largest tax-cuts in world history, have already voted yesterday. Actually, they would have already passed the legislation via reconciliation, which needs only a simple majority.


Instead, the dems again, in an act of political good-will and making yet more efforts to be bi-partisan have stupidly, ball-lessly already promised that no legislation will be put to vote until Mr. Brown is sworn in. Disgusting!

President Obama came to office and immediately, with the power of a mandate in hand, started to reach out to this republican colleagues; while at the same time, he politely reminded them that it was he who had the mandate for change, not they. But, par for course, when the interests of our nation conflict with the interests of party, the republicans always choose their party; and, really, they are only looking after the interests of a small, neo-fascist, ant-life, anti-choice, weirdly-born-again-Christian and financially reckless arm of their constituency.

Goose-stepping together throughout the entire year, regardless of what Obama put to them for passage, regardless of how in need the nation was, all they did was say "no" and obstruct. The stimulus bill, which was way too small and we all knew this back then, was the first attempt Obama made to work with the republicans. He listened to their concerns and even made compromises--1/3 of the stimulus is in the form of tax-cuts.

The stimulus has worked and without it we would be more screwed economically today than when W was president, but, it needed to be more aggressive and larger. "They" were against it, however. Not because they had a better plan--except for ever more massive tax cuts--they simply were and are against all Obama has done because if he succeeds, then it is Democrat success also and this would prove bad for their party.

Republican Establishment: lies and thievery

The past year was a year during which Republican Establishment so successfully planted the words like "socialist" in the minds of the lumpen proletariat. Sadly, 99% of the people using this word don't know what it means. These people tune into Fox "News" and failing to realize that their elected officials are "missing in obstruction", they blame Obama for trying to lead our nation--something that hasn't been done for 8 years--firstly back into the modern world and secondly, back to its prominent place of world leadership.

He brought to our nation a health reform package whose costs would be off-set--our future, national wealth would not suffer but actually increase thanks to the bill--and what did the republicans do? Nothing. Passage would doom their chances for regaining seats so, once again, against America, they fanned the embers of lies into the American psyche via Fox and the oxy-addict Limbaugh and a blaze took shape. No one in the media dared pursue them for their flip-flop: they said they wanted a bill that would not cost us money, they got it but all promised to vote no, anyway.

The GOP is a party of inaction, lies and theft. The medicare reform bill that was passed under W is pure and true theft of our national wealth. Payment for this bill comes straight out of the till. Nowhere is it offset by decreased costs, taxes or anything. Instead, the doctors and insurance companies actually make a killing on this bill and the American taxpayer is screwed--by whom? Yes, by the republicans; who is paying for that one war and the occupation of Iraq? Yes, those same taxpayers.

And what is not being paid for? The upkeep of our nation's infrastructure for one. Schools are losing their funding. We are already falling educationally behind all major nations and with nothing left in local governments to pay police and firemen, communities all across the land are cutting education. California's system, one of the best in the world and an oasis in the desert of neo-conservative mind-rot which has taken over our nation since January 20, 1981, is being cut to shreds for the state is bankrupt.

We are screwed...

Nothing good for America will come from yesterday's loss. A lot of good will come to the republican party, though. And, the beleaguered worker, taxpayer with no health care, will only have himself to thank when the bottom falls out. And, amazingly, thanks to the incessant propaganda of Fox, Limbaugh and the nation's media, the republicans will not be blamed for collapse. Instead, they will find another enemy in a desert and send another 200,000 troops to wave flags and shoot guns and remind us all of the dying empire we once were.

They will pass more pro--guns laws, more Americans will be senselessly slaughtered like happened yesterday in Virginia (a 39-year old white guy. I will bet a dollar that he is a republican and voted for W twice!); they will pass more anti-abortion laws, seek to cut more taxes and shift more of our nation's wealth into private hands--something the communists did in the Soviet Union until finally the whole things collapsed. Sadly, a plight not so inconceivable in our nation (see Vermont independence movement, see Alaska independence movement, etc.).

History will look back on this era and mark it as the end of the American empire, our fall. We are living during the fall and we have the president to stop it and instead, we would rather ride around blissfully ignorant in big, gas-guzzling cars, in ever-hotter and colder (global warming is actually global weirding) weather, blaming taxes, dems and ever worshiping Ronald Reagan.

Who would've imagined that in the first decade after the start of the 2nd millennium , after a century with the most amazing technological developments in world history, we would actually have a government that was ritualistically denying the facts of science; purging the national record of statistical and scientific fact about global warming just so it could preserve the massive wealth of its tiny coterie of backers? This too, is what the communists did in the Soviet Union.

History will show Reagan as being the president who launched our collapse; and, thanks to the Americanization of the world's consumption habits, it will be looked at as the period when the world turned to corner to its final and tragic end.

And, when it is almost over and we are dead or dying, some republican will surface and demand ever more tax cuts to get the nation back on track.


I will vomit but only once because I am sincerely considering no longer giving a damn about the future of the greatest nation on earth. I am sincerely considering doing what the republicans have mastered: giving a damn only about my own personal gain and screw anyone or anything--like national interest--that should interfere in my getting as wealthiest as possible.

Oh, what a sick and sad existence that will be.

Yes, for me yesterday's loss is one that goes beyond health reform. It is the one that finally makes me realize that my country is no longer the country I imagined it to be. We have become really, really stupid. Historically, conservative politics are usually based on emotion, little thought, manipulation of fear and


Rick said...


In Beer Veritas said...

Geez, Rick, I must have lost the ending when I cut and pasted! I don't remember what comes next! :((