Thursday, May 28, 2009

Safer, yet--Part Two

Of all the industrialized nations, of which we are one, we are the only country where today's high school graduates are less likely to go onto college than their parents; the trend of each generation growing up to be smarter, or at least better educated, than their parents has ended.

Those of us who graduated in the aftermath of Reagan-Bush, and who started families under the Clinton-era boom, are today the last of a national trend that was commenced shortly after the signing of the peace treaty in Ghent, Belgium--1814, it officially ended the War of 1812. America moved forward at varying rates of speed, always improving itself, despite mistakes and a Civil War, etc.

Excesses from unbridled capitalism ultimately led us to a world-wide depression that devestated many parts of our nation; but, thankfully, led us to a new era of government activity from which many Americans, workers, unemployed ones, etc. still benefit today. A national infrastructure, schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, dams, an army, air traffic control, the internet, electricity for all and so many other great achievements were attained.

Yet, the sad irony in all of this is that although so few Americans would want to live without the things listed above, many of the same people today hating Obama and screaming "socialism" would not give up any one of those things. And usually, it was a Democratic government, be it president or congress, that fought to obtain these things for the masses. It was usually the Republicans fighting to get rid of them by labeling them as "communist", "socialist", "tax and spend liberalism", "theft from future generations," blah, blah, blah.


Soon, we will celebrate the success of D-Day yet again; boys between the ages of 17 and 30 assualted the beaches and lept from airplanes for the future of our national well-good. With bullets spraying sand around their feet until the mark was met and they crumpled to the ground, so few of these men really doubted why they were there.

Thanks to the government progressivism of FDR and so many Democrats after him, Bill Clinton being the last until the election of Obama, our nation had invested today for the better of tomorrow. How can the Hoover Dam, how can the nation's road networks, how can public schools, how can the internet be "theft" from future generations as it is being labeled by Republicans and Conservatives (a "conservative" is republican so embarassed by the excesses of the GOP that they choose this Suess-esque euphemism). All they do is stand in the way of progress and prevent our nation from advancing logically forward like any living organism is supposed to do according to the laws of nature.

Jesus a Democrat

As Spock said when he was dying, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or the few; and yet, they have governed over the past century as if the opposite were true: tax cuts for a tiny percentage of already sickly rich people; more guns in the hands of anyone for the sake of ever larger profits for the gun and bullet makers; fewer abortions for the poor and even less money for these kids born into poverty; no family planning education to perhaps help these people to make better decisions and no condoms and no jobs because the wealthy, conservative owners have shipped them all to China.

No strict standards for auto-makers to make cars better so that the air might be made a tab bit cleaner. Why? Because it is always more politically expedient to do nothing and sit back and count the money. Al Gore's impact on the battle against global warming could prove to be the turning point, if it is not already too late. 9 years were lost in this battle because they simply hid the truth, lied to us all about the effects of global warming and today the world is hotter and further from concensus than ever before.

Now, 16 years after they successfully destroyed a chance at healthcare for all Americans via lies sold as public service announcements, today they pull out their same tired slogans and again will do everything they can to prevent Joe and Mary Middle-America from obtaining affordable healthcare.

When our president, finally, went after the credit card companies, what did they do? They attached a rider onto the bill that would permit Americans to carry concealed weapons into parks. How will that help our nation tomorrow, 10 years from now, 50 years from now? How many of us will be killed by one of those weapons at a bbq gone bad in a public park?

The conservatives have stolen the one thing from us which government was supposed to have guaranteed its citizens: the right to be safe, to which they say, "arm yourself." Jesus didn't carry a gun.

The republicans, the conservatives with their so-called fiscal conservatism handed out trillions of dollars of surplus created by Clinton's truly austere governing and today, we are a weaker, a poorer and a less safe nation.

If anyone is against the policies of President Obama, then I say to them: "Go to the next sale of slaves at your local auction and complain about it to people who care." Oh, there won't be an auction because government action did away with that peculiar thing supported by...yes, the South. And for those who will say Lincoln was a Republican, yes, he was and if he were in office today he would be a Democrat. If you know American history, you know when the parties changed their core policies. It was after the war.

Our nation should be better and I don't understand why conservatives want us to be so weak and so hated and so broke and so stupid, fat, unhealthy, unemployed, violent and so backward.

Obesity is big money. Guess who supports this industry and guess who was against telling Americans just how many calories are in a Big Mac? Why do they fear knowledge and truth?

"Praise Jesus, Amen blah-blah-blah." My Jesus is a Democrat.