Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thirty Years of Madness

1980 was the final year of American governmental goodness. Jimmy Carter, a brilliant man with great intentions but surrounded by perhaps not the most experienced coterie of Washington insiders, tried to make government work for the people. He failed and sadly his failure lead to the day when the nails for our national coffin would be lined up and then pounded in one by one as the years turned into decades as the hysteria of the right sidetracked our nation.

From 1981 onward economics was replaced by politics—a similar thing was done in the Soviet Union look where that got them. The Republicans led by the demigod Ronald Reagan—truly a pragmatic conservative in comparison to the mindless leading the GOP today—put forth grand schemes like “supply-side economics” and began to do away with taxes for the super rich. He had child-like ideas that private businesses would invest in the US infrastructure.

Thanks to massive spending on the military, the economy began to expand; at the same time, the government led assault against the American workers kicked off in earnest. The American worker was painted as lazy and spoiled despite being the most proficient in the world. As a result, companies were rewarded for moving jobs offshore. American workers began to lose their footing.

Regulations which used to protect the American citizen from the harshness of greed and the ugliest sides of capitalism—the “Jungle” was written help us not penalize us—were wiped off the books one by one. The government was telling big business: do as you want and when you get around to it give us campaign contributions and if you feel really giddy, hire some Americans—but the jobs were flowing away to China and other places.

Freed from paying taxes, the manufacturers, men and women of great fortunes, became addicted to record-breaking profits. And, when the American worker demanded normal pay and benefits, the factories owners, balked yet again and in greater earnest moved their factories off-shore. Please don’t get me wrong, many of these super-rich owners are “great, patriotic, God-fearing Americans” who contribute millions to the politicians that guarantee their continued well-being

Cut the Regulations

Thanks to the vanished regulations, by the end of the 1980’s, credit and credit cards were made available pretty much to anyone with a pulse. And the first waves of Chinese made junk were hitting the big box stores--prices were ridiculously low. Americans became addicted to the low prices and as they filled their homes and yards and garages with “quality of life products,” the illusion that life was getting better—so long as they could make the payments—lured everyone into a zombie-like, patriotic furor.

Fueled by consumer dollars, the economy expanded but it was expansion for what sake, whose sake, to what end? Sure, there were people who spent the last twenty years of life enjoying the benefits of jobs; but, the jobs were ultimately dead-ends because while the nation consumed more than the entire world ten times over and money flowed into America permitting ever more junk to be manufactured and consumed, the American consumer became addicted to a lifestyle that could not be maintained without steady and high-paying employment and to those ridiculously cheap prices.

Very quickly, nations like China and the rest of Asia, India and even Brazil, built amazing infrastructures that permitted them to enjoy economies of scale never-before seen. No American factory owner could compete with these low costs of finished goods. So, a final war was launched against the American worker. All of the economies woes were pinned on the unions and spoiled Americans and once and for all the American worker lost.

As Republic presidency, Republican held Congress came and went, the American workers were pushed further and further out of the mix; and, the only things the GOP talked about were tax cuts for the super, super rich and embarrassing things like socially conservative issues—oh, and they tried to ruin America by wasting 8 years attacking a sitting president.

The few vestiges of a liberal democratic government like social security insurance were even stalked with hot breath but to no avail—the Democrats held out. Medicare, something the wealthy seniors love to take advantage of because God knows they never want to spend their own money, was of course never touched—only enhanced at the cost of hundreds of billions, a check the American worker would have to pick.


Over the course of thirty years, we heard and saw on every corner—from politicians to pop culture—how it was not just an American’s right to become wealthy but his ultimate destiny. Through super cheap credit and predatory marketing of credit cards, mortgages, etc.—and to those who have always had it good in life, when a person is poor and a credit card is handed to them, it is real hard not to use that card to buy the kids some gifts at Christmas—Americans bought and bought’ and then, many started going bankrupt but the Republicans ensured that this too would be made more difficult—once again in the name of patriotic, American values.

The GOP talked about “irresponsible, free-spending ‘people’ (read: white trash and minorities) ever wanting a hand out.” They failed to consider that many of the Americans declaring bankruptcy had become simply redundant in the work place and had no other options—or they could choose crime which many did (crime always increases under Republicans.)

As homes were snatched up and filled with all of the junk homes need, money poured continued to pour into the US economy; and, the super rich got richer and their tax obligations lower. The American worker’s real wage fell to 1978 levels. 23% of the nation’s wealth belongs to 1% of the nation today. In 1978, 8% of the nation’s wealth belonged to that lucky 1%.

By September 2008, the bubble that was the American economy—and sadly the world’s because everyone likes a quick buck—burst. Amazingly, the Republicans, who each time they control the government lead us into massive budget deficits, just shrugged their shoulders, pretended they had nothing to do with the failed economy and went into attack mode so that they could prevent the Democrats from applying the long-needed measures to fix the economy—to bring the regulating and guiding hand of government back into the mix.

President Obama came to office truly believing he could govern in a bipartisan manner given the calamity which had befallen the nation. When he put the stimulus forth, he was attacked by the GOP. They demanded tax cuts or nothing—they now had nothing to lose. So, he compromised and lowered the amount of the stimulus and made one third of it tax cuts—he did this to prove his bipartisan credentials. They trashed him for it and then mocked him when the stimulus didn’t keep the nation below 8% unemployment—although all economists have said that stimulus worked.

Right Ideas, Wrong America

The stimulus should have been two times what it was and should have given tax cuts only to small businesses—something the GOP is against. However thanks to the genius of Fox “News”--which delivers the news always with either a slightly mocking tone—when it has something to do with the president or Democrats—or as if Armageddon had finally arrived (and quite often served up by hot women)--and the countless other hysterically, right-wing radio and TV personalities, Americans have bought hook, line and sinker that they are part of the rich; and, so when the GOP cut taxes and ridicules the spending of the Democrats, Fox tells the lazy and couch-bound that it is their wealthy being stolen—many of these people believing this are unemployed and have lost children to the wars of the GOP.

Well, here it is: the US economy over these thirty years has suffered irreparable harm. Systemically we are finished.  Because the myth of the profit holds so much power, the American business owner is forgiven when he acts in his best economic interest and cuts corners: maybe he doesn’t clean the eggs too well, maybe he doesn’t tell anyone about the lead-based paint and quite often he will hire an illegal alien. Why does he hire the illegal? Because the American workers were spoiled by the Democrats and the unions and they cost too much, right?

Thirty years ago, with Vietnam War over and the Cold one soon to end, America had a phenomenal opportunity to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. Bill Clinton did what he could and he also balanced our budget. But, twenty years of Republican presidents and almost as many of GOP Congresses—enforced by the hysterical right media—permitted the super-rich to build China’s infrastructure and to kill off the American worker.

In November, sadly the GOP will return to power but the nation won’t lose anything. America can’t lose what it no longer has. We are a greed-driven, selfish nation and we want what we want now and for the lowest cost possible and I’ll be damned if I’ll pay a penny extra. As we sit this week in September in our cheap cars, eating in Italian restaurants where the only thing Italian is the maybe the coffee—God knows the kitchens are filled with illegal Hispanic workers—and we go to big box stores and buy inexpensive junk, remember that the only person we have to blame is ourselves—oh, and the GOP.

Shame on the GOP and shame all of us because we let it happen. We are not ready to further compete in this world’s economy—unless we can get the world to start warring on a scale never before seen--and the GOP has neither imagination nor the integrity to lead this nation back to greatness.

President Obama has tried but he has been mocked.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Do-Nothing 111th Congress

As the summer session of Congress comes to a close, the 111th Congress is going to go down in history as the one of the least effective and well, in layman’s terms “laziest” meetings of Congress in American history—there still is roughly five months of this Congress’s life left but if I had a say my push would be to shut it down now and let’s get on to the 112th as quickly as possible. Maybe then we can actually get something done.

In order to most fully appreciate just how little the Democratic-led 111th Congress has done, let’s put on our trusty goggles of comparison—we all have a pair. If on and snugly pulled into place, let’s begin with the doomsday 107th Congress.

The 107th Congress

This was the 9/11 Congress and regardless of just how much legislation was passed or in the works to be passed, the tragedy of September 11, 2001 threw the whole thing out of whack. Yet some major pieces of legislation worth noting are the following:

·         No Child Left Behind Act

·         Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act

·         Farm Security and Rural Investment Act

·         Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold)

·         Authorization for Use of Military force against Iraq

·         Help America Vote Act--remember Florida?

·         Homeland Security Act

·         E-Government Act

It should be noted that the Republicans had a majority in the Senate until June 6, 2001 and then it switched back to the Democrats. The House was controlled by the Republicans and in the White House was none other than George W. Bush.

The 108th Congress

This was the beginning of what many Americans feel was the end of our freedoms and the end of the era of rule according to the US Constitution. The Republicans had majorities in both houses and control of the White House and hubris and incompetence were king. Slowly, we started to move away from governing and providing the nation with a framework designed to make life more livable for all Americans and started the downward slide toward plutocracy.

Here are some noteworthy pieces of legislation that came out of the Republican controlled 108th Congress:

·         Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003--Yes, that wonderful, job-creating tax cut.

·         Prison Rape Elimination act of 2003--No more rape in prison now.

·         Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act--ah, yes, government impeding on a woman’s rights…seems a bit un-Constitutional.

·         Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act

·         Unborn Victims of Violence Act--encroaching on Roe v. Wade.

·         The Belarus Democracy Act--seems to be working…or maybe not.

·         Flood Insurance Reform Act--two floods and you are out act. Good for business bad for homeowner.

·         Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act.

 The 109th Congress

Here it is, the Congress everybody talks about on a daily basis—especially people who come in contact with the 1/4 of legislation that was passed in order to rename federal buildings. Yes, of the 383 pieces of legislation this Republican controlled Congress passed, a whooping 93 renamed post-offices and other such things of little or no value to an already stagnating economy. It is just what the Russians do whenever things get bad, change the names of streets and cities and police hoping that people will get so confused they will just forget.

Here are a few pieces of non-name changing legislation worth noting:

·         Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (Well, the anti-consumer, pro-business activities continued with this very first piece of legislation. The little man could now be offended by the “corporate citizen” and the corporation only sued up to $5 million! Big Biz spend more than that on Post-Its each month. Also, oddly, the fact that the federal courts suddenly take precedent over state courts strengthens federal power at the expense of state power—I thought he GOP was all for state rights! (They are when it comes things like slavery, guns and anti-health care reform but not Big Biz profits.)

·         Theresa Marie Schiavo's law (or The Palm Sunday Compromise). This was simply an appalling and emotional abuse of power by the Republican-held Congress. Again, stripping the power away from the state courts, the GOP forced “God” into legislation and passed a farcical law with no power to do anything that applied only to one person—they just wanted to have this already dead woman lie around for another decade (at whose cost) until God had made his final decision to take her. Oh, and the fact that the law was a violation of the separation of powers didn’t stop the GOP because they make up rules (and amendments) as they see fit. Our traditions mean nothing to them.

·         Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (Another pro-big business, anti-working class American bill.)

·         Energy Policy Act of 2005 (George Bush, Tom DeLay and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton –all from Texas—really drove this bill through because it gave great tax incentive to the oil industry and especially  Texas based companies.

·         Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (NRA baby!)

·         Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005—Sounds nice right? What it is really is, though, is nothing more than a blatant transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. All of the taxes not being raised and in effect lowered benefit the super-rich and corporations while doing zero—that is nothing—to incentivize them to hire or invest in their businesses. Sick.

·         Secure Fence Act of 2006—That worked.

·         Tax Relief and Health Act of 2006—More wealth transference and generational theft.

 The 110th Congress

With the Democrats back in power in both chamber but with only slim margins and the White House still occupied by a lame-duck and very unpopular president, the pendulum started to swing slowly back from the GOP’s main constituent—Big Business—and back to the American people.

Here is some noteworthy legislation. Not all of it is typical Democrat fare but the GOP still had a lot of power and the White House:

U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriation

Preserving United States Attorney Independence Act of 2007

 Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007

Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007--The GOP and Bush were really against this for some reason.

Protect America Act of 2007

Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

Water Resources Development Act of 2007 –Veto Overridden. Bush just really has a deep-seeded dislike of New Orleans to where a considerable portion of this bill’s funds would go to assist not only safe-guarding from future hurricanes but also provide assistance to small business dependent on the nation’s waterways—an infrastructure completely neglected by Bush in his first seven years.

  Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008—Thos silly Democrats.

 Food and Energy Security Act of 2007--Veto Overridden. Bush once again showing his true stripes. Got to give him an “A” for effort, though, he really keeps his promises to Big Biz.

Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008

The Lazy 111th

And, here they are; these men and women of the US Congress should be ashamed of themselves. Let their actions speak my words:

·         Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

·         Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act—Such softies those Democrats are…a sick kid, so.

·         American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009—The Stimulus.

·         Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009—What kind of bus? Provides some money for hungry mothers with infants, Amtrak and a bunch of other really good things. So sappy, they are, right?

·         Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009—Here we go again.

·         Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act—Very cool program!

·          Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009—Why bother? Just invade another country and get those homeless in a uniform and put an M-16 in their hands (no body armor, please.)

·         Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009—Going after DOD budgeting; accountability in government something we saw very little of under W and with the GOP at the helm.

·         Credit CARD Act of 2009—Going after Big Business where Big Business lives!

·         Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.

·         Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009, including the Car Allowance Rebate System (Cash for Clunkers)—Creative governing government at its best! The most creative thing we saw under W was his ability to make up words.

·         Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009

·         Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act—Something the GOP knows nothing about.

·         Travel Promotion Act of 2009

·         Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act—It’ll kick in, just give it some time,  man.

·         Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

·          Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, including the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act

·         Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010

·         Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010

·          Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

·         SPEECH Act of 2010

Now, it will also be fun to see what the 111th Congress has proposed but what hasn’t made it to vote yet or was temporarily defeated:

American Clean Energy and Security Act

District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act

Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act

Employee Free Choice Act

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009

Food Safety Enhancement Act

Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2009

Military Readiness Enhancement Act

Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act

Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009

Public Option Act

Respect for Marriage Act

Shark Conservation Act

Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act

Uniting American Families Act

Universal Right to Vote by Mail Act

Wow! Now that is some America-freedom-enhancing, improve the life of the working man (and all Americans mind you) legislation. It would seem that when you have Democrats in control of Congress and one of the best presidents we have ever had governing our nation, a lot of good can come from government.

Let’s take a quick look at what the 108th Congress proposed but did not enact:

Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003—I guess they were too busy spending the money from those tax cuts on things like boats, four-wheelers and home repairs.

What did the 109th propose but not enact?

Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act—More Big Business protection.

 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 – Vetoed—This could have prevented a lot of people from suffering from Alzheimer’s. But…

Jessica Lunsford Act

Digital Transition Content Security Act

Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005 (Akaka Bill)—Say what?

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006—Welp, better luck next time.



Friday, August 13, 2010

A Failed Liberal Agenda?

The Spin

“Failed liberal agenda.” Senator Jim DeMint spoke these words about why Americans will be voting out the Democrats this coming November.

I simply cannot agree with his very partisan and rather misleading statement.

Let’s see, “failed;” this word would seem to imply that we actually tried something. In order to fail, you have to have made an attempt; in the case of governing our nation, you have to have put forth ideas and policies that could stop the spread of the GOP cancer that has grown in our nation since 1980.

While the GOP was governing there was one overriding policy tool (well, two actually): cut tax and less government; and, while they were saying this they were expanding government payrolls like only one other non-wartime president had in the past one hundred years—Ronald Reagan; and, they were cutting taxes leading us ever to massive, massive deficits (part of their agenda). 

When the GOP’s “failed neo-conservative, preachy and highly hubristic agenda” was scrapped in 2008, like good losers—and the tradition of being a good sport is as old as America—should have realized the err of their ways and tried to govern with the newly-elected President. Instead, they chose to vote “no” on everything he put before them; even in cases where they themselves had created the legislation he was asking them to vote “yes” on. Again, this obstructionism is part of their agenda—don’t help lead America to a better, healthier place for fear it will get Obama re-elected. They did this with Clinton and they are doing it now.

America is a massive and complex nation. President Obama has been president for a little over a year and a half—there is no way his policies have led us to where we are today. Some of them are just barely starting to kick in and others, very small ones, have run their course. Still other major ones will only start much later; President Obama is trying to rebuild the foundations of our nation—health care, education, green technologies and financial reform—so that the noxious fallout of 30 years of “failed neo-conservative agenda” can be, once and for all, laid to rest in the landfill of really stupid and really dogmatic ideas.

President Obama, like Clinton before him, has been forced to waste so much time trying to work with the GOP—modify his policies (like the stimulus which had way too many tax cuts), reaching across the aisle in the hope they would give real ideas and not just reruns of the ones that led us to this state of affairs—and the GOP has been successful in slowing him down only to the harm of America; yet, as always to the benefit of their agenda.

President Obama hasn’t had time to “fail.” So, take that word and shove it.

Liberal Agenda

If we ask the average supporter of the GOP, of the Tea Party, of Palin, “what is the liberal agenda?” we will hear something like the following answer: socialism, big government, choking out private investment, big brother, entitlements (SS, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment, educational grants, etc.), anti-Constitution, anti-gun, anti-free choice, pro-illegal immigrant, pro gay marriage, pro-abortion: all untruths.

Let’s instead take a look at the “failed neo-conservative agenda” that has held America in its grips for the past 30 years: anti-choice (trying to legislate a woman’s right to have an abortion); anti-division of church and state (it seems they want to make us a theocracy like the countries they so hate); anti-education, pro-gun in every pocket, anti-government, militaristic (Palin’s great comment recently was “I want to use our military to fight for the protection of our Constitution.”—scary); anti-Constitution (this document’s beauty and strength is that it is left alone, the GOP would make it look like the Russian Constitution which at last count has over 7000 amendments); anti-immigrant even though we are a nation of immigrants, anti-worker (destruction of unions, shipping labor off shore to squeeze a few more pennies out of that margin, hoarding of cash as seen of late), pro-fear-mongering (newsflash: not all foreigners hate us and it is less dangerous to walk down the street in 99.7% of all cities in the world than it is to spend a Sunday at a Luby’s (25 were killed) or at day at work (recently 8 were killed); and, the “failed neo-con agenda” is a racist one—see government reaction to Katrina, more needs not be said; and, last but certainly not least, anti-intellectual--just look at their leader’s mockery of the teacher in Alaska peacefully protesting. Palin and her dumb daughter (whose great quote was “it’s called the United States” but then she made the shape of a globe with her hands…go figure.) showed in their empty and ugly faces just how the entirety of the GOP feels about teachers and education.

The failed neo-conservative agenda had led us to a place where for the first time in nearly a century America was disliked by the world thanks to our arrogance and foolishness in attacking Iraq. Because of this loss of leadership as a better and more-evolved nation, we had not been able to lead the world on stopping Korea, Iran, on slowing the effects of global warming; Putin of Russia has become a regional sickness again, etc. China does what it wants with little or no regard thanks to our failed neo-conservative agenda which espouses a “better-than-thou” attitude to the entire, educated world.

 As we sit at 13th place among industrialized nations for number of college graduates per 100,000 and the Pax Americana system of “debt-consumption” has led the world to the brink of financial ruin, many countries are realizing that our way is not the right way. We made it as a nation to 2008 always believing that our scientists were the best and then thanks to 30 years of the “failed neo-conservative agenda” we now mock scientists if they, after looking at the data, say that global warming is real—Bush’s White House even had data showing that global warming was real stricken from all reports by federally-funded scientists. The world is shocked by what we have become and guess what: we need the world.

PS: Agenda, a very negative word suggesting that there are some hidden plans to be sprung once all the pieces have fallen into place. The GOP’s agenda was real: by cutting taxes to nothing you get the best of all of your worlds—less government because there is no money left and almost no entitlement programs for the same reason.

An Agenda

This election season make sure that when speaking about President Obama and the Democrats who control Congress you refer to their policies not as an “a failed liberal agenda” but merely as an “an attempt at refortifying our nation after 30 years of lies, abuse and treachery” for the overall betterment of all Americans regardless of race, creed or color (or who you sleep with, etc.).

God Bless that America!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Iraq will only cost us $3 Trillion!

Yesterday, the majority of politicians still governing the country voted to give $26 billion in aid to states to help them pay for education. With this move, the democrats saved up to 140,000 jobs and ensured that come the fall, class sizes in some parts of the country won’t double.

Education, the democrats so foolishly wager, has the possibility to make Americans more competitive in what is now a labor market that no longer concerns itself with borders—the money goes where it can get the brightest for the least: America is barely holding onto its leading position. If we let the Republicans have their way, we will lose our leadership on this front very soon.

How did the Republicans label the silly financing of education by the Democrats yesterday? “A vote for more tax-hikes and special interest bailouts,” said some random spokesman for John Boehner. Senator Gregg suggested it was a “pay-off to education unions.” 

$26 billion, fully paid for, goes to help strapped states pay for the education of America’s future; $30 billion was to be invested by Democrats in helping small business owners—the back-bone of any economy. The Republicans were against both of these measures calling them foolish, generational-theft and typical “tax and spend” policies of the Democratic Party.

The True Death Tax

When a soldier is killed in Iraq, the family of the deceased receives a check for $500,000. Who covers this cost? The US tax-payer—this is a tax against the middle class, the working poor; by giving this money to a grieving family, the government is making a choice: instead of invest in said crumbling bridge, education, health care or tax-breaks for entrepreneurs seeking to develop green energy technologies, the money goes to this family. The “opportunity cost” is $500,000. That money is now gone, off the books and with this family. In order to invest in the bridge or education, etc. we must take that money from somewhere else. (The Republicans will probably defend policy and say it is good that the government's wealth is being dispersed to the poor through the payment to the family--I think the family would most likely rather have their loved one.) 

So, as working-American stands in traffic because that bridge is crumbling resulting in two of the three lanes being closed because they are simply too unsafe, working-American is being taxed—taxes are not always in the form of money; this fact, however, the Republicans simply refuse to understand.

As the government readies that $500,000 for investment in the bridge, suddenly another American soldier dies in Iraq; and another, and another; and another. With each flag-draped coffin returning home—something the Republicans felt we weren’t mature enough to see all those years—the problems of America’s infrastructure mount. They worsen and the cost for fixing them increases.

Despite what Bush and Rumsfeld had said would be the cost for victory in Iraq--$50 billion was the amount Rumsfeld told the gathered journalists back in April, 2003—America’s involvement in that desert that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 (had no WMD and never, ever even hinted that they needed our messianic war) rapidly approaches the amount that was invested in World War II (in real terms).

Um, let’s see, World War II: participated in the largest, most horrific war in world history and through bravery, sense of purpose and American greatness, we conquered true and pure evil.

Iraq. I need say no more. Iraq has been a tragic waste of lives on both sides. Thanks to Iraq, the foundations of our economy are rotting as if there has been a termite infestation and the Republicans have the audacity--the gumption--to blame President Obama and the Democrats: Orwellian double-speak if there ever was an example.

When a soldier dies, the tax-payer not only has to pay his family the $500,000; but, the economy loses future economic value from the man or woman killed and the survivors also tend to become less economically efficient because of depression and sadness. 

The Costs

Iraq will end up costing our economy over $3 trillion dollars; it will cost us the lost ideas, accomplishments of those who have suffered and who are suffering with no arms or legs.

What is our budget shortfall today? How much will health care reform cost? What has Iraq already cost us? What was the cost of those tax-cuts for the richest Americans for whom George W Bush had the sheer arrogance to pass into law while we waged war on two fronts? (True generational wealth, true dispersal of the nation's wealth, true class warfare.)

The next time some Republican makes such absolutely ridiculous statements about Democrats caving to the “interests” (paying for education and helping small businesses) or “generational theft” (health care reform) just remember that thanks to the mistake that is Iraq—and those God-forsaken tax cuts (which they want to make permanent)—we are in the economic quagmire we see today.

When did we become so militaristic and just down-right stupid?

Sadness decreases the economic value of many Americans today...the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves; but, they aren't. They mock us instead.




Monday, August 2, 2010

Whose elite would you rather have?

CEO’s of most companies are smart, well-educated people with experience running things. The head of the NRA is probably a smart man, also. A corporation—the lobby--probably need such people to run their companies. If I were a share-holder, I would not want to think that the man or woman who is heading up my company was stupid or somewhat unbalanced.

The people given responsibility for companies and in the case of the NRA, pro-gun lobby, are most likely very wealthy. And, there is nothing wrong with that. According to most economists, the CEOs and the NRA head are part of an “elite” in America. They are the people who shape our nation through the Political Action Committees (PAC) they support and the politicians they anoint with their magical, bloated wallets. 

This “elite” have very simple orders for the politicians of their making: support and put forth policies that brought said wealth and preserve and when possible increase said wealth.

A market, like any game, has rules and the politicians supported by the elite, wealthy interests ensure that the rules of this game always favor the CEO’s, the heads of lobbies, etc.  The Supreme Court’s recent decision permitting companies not to take responsibility for ridiculous and often scandalous advertisements against any politician who is not willing to guarantee that all laws and regulations favor the wealthy elite will only further strengthen the wealthy elite. It will make the moat surrounding their fortress, protecting them from working Americans, ever wider.

To further understand the power of these elite, we must consider the fact that their corporations and lobbies are now being granted rights and privileges that used to belong only to citizens—one man one vote, one corporation one politician. And, when these corporate citizens commit crimes—sometimes leading to the death of hundreds or damage to other Americans in the billions of dollars—they are strangely usually let off with innocuous slaps on the corporate wrist.

A company with quarterly profits in the billions of dollars knowingly produces products that hurt consumers and gets fined a few million dollars; then they hire a great PR team, invest ten times the amount of their fine and somehow turn the tables so that the fault lies not in their decision as a board but in “too much government regulation;” or, the “socialist plans for the country that so-and-so president/politician has.” Had a regular Joe done what the corporation had, he would be on death row in most states.

The Myth

As the elite grows and gains power, it invests ever more money in creating a myth that some liberal, better-than-though, well-educated people—quite often from the north—seek to create an “elite ruling class” bent on making America socialist if not communist. These liberal people seek to obtain power so that they can offset the unfair advantages the “wealthy elite” have gained thanks to—in our case--thirty years of Republican obstructionist governing. Now, obstructionism in this case is not the same as it is today when the Republican minority refuses to govern while President Obama struggles to reset the scales.

The Republican obstructionism of the past thirty years has tried to completely alter all of the rules of the playing field so that they always favor the wealthy elite. So that the working American doesn’t pay too much attention to the fact that fifty-eight cents of every dollar of real income growth since 1976 has gone to the top 1% of the nation, the wealthy elite through their very own political party—the GOP—create emotional scandals and regularly find bogeymen in the dark: communism everywhere, Whitewater investigation (while we should have concerned ourselves with Al Qaeda), WMD, gay marriage, Swift Boat controversy, no global warming, Obama is a socialist Muslim, death-squads just to name a few.

Obstructed from being able to progress forward as a nation, from solving our current problems; from protecting our people from natural disasters and poor decision-making like the illegal invasion of Iraq, the wealthy elite thanks to their mouthpiece and protector guarantee that while the interest of the nation is held distracted by the endless scandals the GOP fabricates, they will plod forward, passing laws that further ensure the indentured-servitude of tens of millions of working-poor thanks to predatory lending policies; they will pass legislation that steals more and more of our Constitutional Rights while vociferously shouting from the rooftops that they are actually “preserving our Constitutional Rights;” they will find more nations of no consequence to play our fools only to then be invaded by us when the elite feel the next round of military technology is ready for use—to be bought by this same federal government they so claim to hate but whose pockets are always as deep as they need be when shifting the nation’s wealth from the working Americans to the elite ruling class.

The United States is the world’s largest economy. It is arguably the most complex and important society in the world today. The president and the people helping him oversee the massive machine that is the federal government should be well-educated, experienced, balanced and not given to emotional outbursts or just plain old deceit.

Smart People--so what

If the Americans, who happen to be smart, well-educated liberals running our country today happen to be considered an “elite” then I say so be it. Their elite status, for the most part, comes from the fact that they have always been the top of their class; they have always excelled academically and professionally and they probably went to colleges that are very selective. Today, they are President Obama and his advisors. I see nothing wrong with that. Actually, I love that fact. I love knowing that the President of the United States of America is smarter than me.

That couldn’t be said when referring to W; it certainly can’t be said about the current leader of the GOP, Sarah Palin. What can be said about them, though, is that they will do their “darndest” to make the wealthy elite proud of them—and vice versa.

Fox-News Flash: Obama is really a woman!

Friday, July 9, 2010

D-Day 2010--Lessons learned and forgotten

As I checked into the small hotel not far from the town of Bastogne awkwardness overcame me: here I was, like some child chasing a balloon that had slipped from his hand; chasing a moment in history that had passed 66 years ago.

These people had probably moved on long ago, I thought; and, like in my life, over those 66 years, so much had transpired: births, deaths, other wars had come and gone, marriages, divorces, accidents and worldwide epidemics had even changed the way we speak.

What happened in the woods and fields surrounding the town of Bastogne were events lost to text books and Hollywood, I figured; certainly the people here in this little village, the man plowing his field at ten o'clock at night so as to catch the last few strands of sunlight from this day, had forgotten.

Oh, how I was wrong.

The Belgians are aware of our sacrifice. They celebrate our veterans in plaques, memorials, town squares, through hotel and bar names, museums—so many of them—and fields that have been set aside not to be plowed but to remember the young Americans who gave their lives to push the German offensive back into the forest and out of Belgium.

Inundated in this love-fest for America, I walked around the woods of “Bois Jacques” and the town of Bastogne and, yes, tears of pride came to my eyes. When asked where I was from: “the US,” nods of silent recognition and small smiles pulling at lips greeted me; the unspoken thank you hung in the air. As I sat, sipping on a Belgian Ale, I so wanted to share with my relatives long-since-passed (Uncle Charlie, Aunt Lottie, Gram, my mother and father) the stories, the impressions being made upon me by these people. In place of them, I found an elderly couple from Pennsylvania , the man had fought in those very woods, and we talked. I felt a little better. 

I left Belgium for Normandy.

The Normans

On 5 June, I tried to enter the town of Ste. Mere Eglise but due to the crowds the town was closed to traffic.  I was forced to park about a mile from downtown. As I clicked my car doors locked, 30 WWII-era C47’s roared overhead and left in their wake a trail of parachutists; floating in peace toward the earth, it was hard to imagine the gunfire, the ringing church bells and the flames from the burning farmhouse which had accompanied a similar jump 66 years ago. 

It was all so festive and restoring.

Once on the town square, with American, French and British flags draped all over the town like some set for a movie, I found myself in “Love Fest Number 2.” Packed with revelers, picnics everywhere, rides for the smallest children whirred and smoke from grilled sausages filled the air tugging at stomachs; I grabbed a cold beer and settled in next to a table of vets from the 82nd who had liberated the town. They were regaling with stories of that night paratroopers from today’s 82nd and their French, British and even German “brothers in arms.”

Despite the dwindling number of veterans at the festivities this year and the less-than-obvious presence of townsfolk who were awoken on the night when some of our boys had the misfortune of landing on the main square—resulting in their immediate deaths—the baton of gratitude has been passed. The Normans are grateful and in their French stoicism, even I felt like they were glad to have us there on that day celebrating with them.

Yet, whereas the Belgians are almost giddy at seeing Americans coming to their country to recall those tough months of battle, the French being the French always reserve their most precious emotions for themselves; we get a big thank-you but it still is, like it was only weeks after the liberations, marked with a sense of “okay, you freed us now get going so we can get back to our amazing lives.” Yes, the French still somehow imagine that the greatest sacrifice on that day was their own sacrifice.

Perhaps, they are right but being an American, I simply will never agree with that sentiment. Having walked the beaches and sat in the hedgerow shortly after midnight on the 6th and listened to the sounds that greeted our boys, I was frightened—and this is 66 years later.

The Normans make great cider and wonderful cheese and have accomplished countless amazing things throughout history, but, on D-Day the sacrifice belonged to us, to the Brits, to the Canadians and even the to the French paratroopers who jumped in shortly before midnight on the 5th.


Over the course of these two days this past June, I had the great honor of meeting and thanking our veterans—“the boys” as they prefer to be called. Two of the men I met had landed in the first wave literally 100 yards away from each other and had never met before. They started recalling similar events—particularly large explosions, pauses in the shooting—“like everyone on both sides just took a deep breath”-- and the many tragedies from that day. 

As they recalled a certain LST—troop carrier--explosion, they both fell silent, turned toward the gathered crowd and made some comments about how they had lost the groups they had come here with; the tears had dried already for these men as slowly walked off toward the white crosses, but for many of us present, the tears fell.

“I was there.” One 93-year old vet looking at my “Battle of the Bulge” baseball cap said. Reaching out my hand, I began to stumble over the words, swallowed and said “thank you for your service, sir.” A tear fell and I wondered, what else can be said to a man who landed on D-day, fought through Bastogne and ended the war in Berlin?

As I sat in my car overlooking Omaha Beach just after H-Hour, I sipped on a cider from trees that had been christened by the blood of our boys. Marveling at the distance from the water to the seawall, I wondered, are we as good a nation today as we were then? I wondered, could I have made that run across the sand under such intense fire? Would I have even tried?

The boys on those beaches, falling from the sky, rotting in the jungles of the Pacific, fought not so we could become the nation we are today; responsibility for everything shunned by all, pinned to some “deep dark moment from childhood;” gluttony now the new national pastime and like dark periods from what we had hoped were in the past, immigrants—both illegal and legal ones—being persecuted not by fanatics this time but by so-called mainstream—although somewhat radical—Americans. 

And, these policies are being veiled in “Christianity” and "patriotism." Sounds, however, just like the ideology our boys landing on these Norman shores were fighting to rid Europe of.  

The Boys fought for Different Reasons

The boys of D-Day did not fight for an intolerant America; an America where corporate interests and the wealthy are permitted to spend however much they want to get their “representatives” elected; an America that disrespects a President because he is black, has a Muslim-sounding name and tries to off-set the gains of thirty years of political abuse by the right in order to give the struggling American worker a fighting chance.

The boys of D-Day fought for truth, liberty and justice for all: not lies passed off as the truth ( WMD, no global warming, health care is socialism), imprisonment because you are poor and no justice for the same reason. They did not fight for an America that has come to so hate educated and smart people. It used to be a sign of accomplishment to have obtained a great education but today, unless your institution of higher learning is not a place linked to bible studies or great football teams, then you are considered a leftist, a “communist.”

In Normandy, I was so proud and I thought: if only every American spitting the vitriol of today’s political hysteria (the Tea Party nuts) could see this, we would be a better and freer nation still.

Tomorrow would be better than today--a very American notion, indeed.






Friday, May 14, 2010

The Mind is a Beautful thing to Waste

Ideas and thoughts are like people.

If a person sits around day in and day out eating Oreo cookies and drinking RC Cola, expends as little energy as possible physically shuffling from  ever-close La-Z-Boy and big, AC-cooled car and spends hours upon hours listening or watching the opinions of others, then the brain, like one's muscles, begins to atrophy. 

Well, atrophy might not be the right word; the brain begins to evolve into a Venus Fly-trap like specimen: any ideas that are fed it from the given "talking head" leach out reason and in their stead leave a gooey mass of "someone else's rhetoric;" rhetoric which has been crafted, analyzed by marketers and focus-groups and presented with as much emotion and mindlessness to guarantee reaction from the masses.

As was the first monkey to stand up on his two legs and reach for an apple a bit higher in the tree was ridiculed by the other slow-to-evolve, less brave monkeys, so too are progressive and original thinkers persecuted and ridiculed in the post-GOP, "dumb-down America" experiment: commenced on January 2o, 1981 and still in progress.

A Corporation is a Person and a Person is a Country

And so we have it, the greatest run against our individual rights and freedoms, the right granted by the hyperactive US Supreme Court in its decision to permit Corporations to pump millions of dollars into political candidates of their making, a stomach wound from which few--and no Constitutions--can survive empties us our democracy of vitality and a future.

Now, the GOP and the radical, neo-fascist right are pressing to have individual criminals, American citizens with sympathies for the cause of our enemy, denied their Miranda Rights.

In the same way that a corporation cannot be confused for having the same rights and privileges as a person, so too a person cannot be held to represent an entire nation. Especially, if that person is a US citizen. Timothy McVeigh's "American-ness" was never questioned. Many in the Teabag Party  probably consider him a patriot; a bit radical but, he was a man devoted to a cause they believe: trying to save America from the Big Brother "federal government."

Faisal Shahzad, a name which sounds scary and foreboding, is a US citizen. Never mind, where he was originally from; the color of his skin, lacking of pure-bred, small-town America breeding of a Timothy McVeigh, he is entitled to all the rights of the US legal system. End of discussion.

Yet, because of that name and those eyes hidden by a seemingly permanent shadow, one in which he and all Pakistanis are undoubtedly plotting the destruction of the US, people, those same ones who support the Teabag nuts, W, think that we were victorious in Iraq and who question Obama's "American-ness," want this man to be tried as a war criminal.

Even the former-maverick (yet, he swears he never called himself that) John McCain, a man so hungry for power he has completely tilled the soil of what had been an honorable record in the Senate so he could plant the seeds of his mind-numbing, knee-jerk reactionary (and finally) near fascist policies just so he can hold onto that wonderful view of the Washington Monument, staggers about like a scarecrow mumbling in a recent ad: "build the fence, dang it." 

Again, my dear friends, the right is wrong and what we are witnessing thanks to their ever abuse of that word is a tidal wave-like movement in the English language: the word "right" will very soon not be able to be used to express "correctness" but will actually be used to express "wrong-ness." Thank you, GOPCONers.

Flash Paper

The right  is playing with fire. Living in a nation whose sole and most powerful tool for uniting the unevolved masses is xenophobic rantings at the drop of the shapka, if we continue to go down this road of anti-immigrant rhetoric than it will very, very quickly become one that does not stop with the immigrants. Very quickly it will start to engulf all Americans; white, black and brown: how many of us after a nice day at the beach just may fall prey to the over-zealousness of a local cop?


"What? Are you kidding me? Man, I was playing Little League right around the corner from here when you weren't even born yet."

"Sir, please step out of the car."

"What?!"...and the rest becomes a blurb in the local paper.

Sounds ridiculous and far-fetched? Not so.

So, before we sit about and facebook away about how we are Americans and we demand that immigrants have their papers and we post cute little neo-fascist "Bill's of Anti-Immigrant Rights", exercise the brain we have been given and think; imagine; go a few steps beyond the cool-sounding rhetoric and venom that regularly embodies every single minute that one of the right's talking heads speaks, and take yourself to that place where the 22-year old cop with barely a high school education is standing before you with a gun on his hip and demanding to see YOUR papers.

It can and will happen. Keep stoking the coals. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tyranny by the Mob

When you have a major political party, one of only two in our "free and democratic system", whose major goal is the complete dismantling of government so that the "people" can rule, you have a major, major systemic flaw: in other words, we are all screwed.

The republican drive since the rise of the lunatic McCarthy which was followed by the more intelligent but just as dangerous Goldwater, and whose disciple went on to become president (Reagan), has been to empower the so-called "patriots" of America so they can fight for the "real freedom" of America. When they say "patriots" they mean people like Mr. "give me liberty or give me death" (Patrick Henry); or, they are referring to people like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams (certainly not John Adams); Paul Revere and so many other rebels against the tyranny of the state; at the time, an English king who mocked our desire to be independent.

The lunatics who today are attacking both physically and verbally the democrats who voted for health care reform are jokes; they are hooligans; they are losers; they are in no way shape or form patriotic; yet, they are armed to the teeth thanks to the craziest and stupidest gun laws in the world's history. They are empowered by a "God" who truthfully wouldn't shake their filthy, murderous, hate-filled hands for fear He would be swayed to their heathen ways.

The GOP loves it when these nuts blow up abortion clinics; they love seeing the attacks which are going on now--isn't it nice to have the crazy on your side, right--for they are not condemning them but rather implicitly saying: "yes, we understand your anger." And so, the crazies continue their threats like the one a representative from New York received: "we will launch sniper attacks against your family." Sniper attacks!!!?? Why does this person have a sniper rifle to begin with? And, why does this white, bald loser feel so empowered to do say such a thing?

Because the modern day GOP is nothing more than a mob. An out of control bunch of America-haters whose sole raison d'etre (which sounds really funny using such a fine term like that for Neandrothals) is to ensure that soon, very soon there will be no government remaining. And, my question, and warning to those lily-white, "God fearing", sexually perverted and non-Christian Christians, is what do you plan to do when you mob turns on you? The day will come when that mob, having rid itself of the dems, of the institutions which regulate fair play and protect us from the murderous and greed-driven missions of big business are all gone, then those tooth-less, moonpie-eating, "my sister is my mother", white, losers with bad knees from their years of fatness and immobility, pose the question: "ok, congressmen from the GOP, now it's your turn to go."

Will they go? No, they won't go but by then they will have ensured that the courts, the military, the armed-to-the-teeth mobs and the "laws" will all guarantee their continued existence so as to protect the nation from "invading forces." All of the emotions needed for a fascist takeover of our nation are in place: xenophobia ("Golly, it's so hard being an American nowadays, er'one hates us."); anti-immigrant; non-stop propaganda by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck and so, so many others. One of our greatest freedoms, freedom of the press, is the one that will ultimately be seen from the mantle of the future as having been the one that destroyed us most soundly. Just like in Weimar Germany, freedom was granted to all to prostelytize their views and legally run for office and by 1929, the Nazis were a legally elected and powerful force in a democratic Germany.

Why are we so sure that cannot happen in America? If I walk into a town in Arkansas, Michigan and Ohio even, with a t-shirt saying "Thank God for Health Care Reform", I stand a good chance of being beaten up or even murdered. Is this normal?

In the way that big business threw its support behind Adolf Hitler from 1932 onward, they were certain that they could control the "raging little Austrian" and they knew his "revolution" would be great for business, so too is big business firmly backing the GOP and the mobs. With the Supreme Court's decision to permit corporations to become "people" and to contribute whatever they want to their causes, yet another seed of our destruction takes hold.

When the elections role around and the best advertising companies in the world are tasked with making creative and convincing ads--these are the same ones that make us think Coca-Cola is good for us and all-American--that say something like "fight for your freedom from Socalist take-over. Fight against the heatlh spending bill on November 4th." A lot of underemployed, uneducated white guys with guns are going fully understand the meaning of that word "fight" and blood will be shed.

The GOP is officially and completely against America. When, when, when, will this become as screamingly obvious to others as it is to me?

Time for us to fight, my friends!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Love it or Leave It

As the glitter from celebration settles over our nation's capital, let's take a rational look at what has transpired.

Emotional Propagandizing

Yesterday, as I read about how the Grand Old Party would now devote all its energies to repealing this great health care reform bill for all of America, for the first time I asked myself the question. Putting aside all the emotions and rhetoric, I mumbled in the crowded tram: why are "they" so against this bill? The woman next to me thought I was nuts and this is what I think of those against it. But, I stray...

A recent study showed that people of the conservative affliction tend to be less evolved. This group of people, usually the majority, tend to be the ones not responsible for carrying humankind through to the next evolutionary stage; they prefer the status quo; they prefer to energize as opposed to dissipate social prejudices/injustices:

"Racial and homophobic epithets met the Democratic lawmakers as they entered the House on Sunday." (New York Times. "GOP faces drawbacks..." 23 March 2010.)

Congressman Randy Neugebauer, Republican of Texas, called Bart Stupak--a former priest--a "baby killer" on the floor of the House. It was another GOP congressman who called our president a liar during his State of the Union address; and, in 1859, Congressman Preston Brooks, a southern Democrat--the Party would effectively become the Republican Party after 1876--put Congressman Charles Sumner into a coma by beating him so severely with his walking stick.

Brooks supported slavery; Brooks would have been againt the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and he would have been against Health Care Reform on Sunday March 21, 2010. If the "Republicans" had had their way--please look up the historical switch that occurred in 1876--forget about health care reform, we would still be trading negroes today!


Other fun and lies-filled terms put forth and manipulated by the GOP were ominous-sounding ones like "death panels", "government takeover", "socialism." It is here, on socialism, that I must stop. Honestly, most of the unevolved have simply no idea what socialism is. It's like when people say "irregardless." This word does not exist and socialism, what it truly is, is nowhere to be seen on the American horizon. Socialist nations, real ones, put the welfare of its citizens first. It looks at its people as being the greatest resource and it does all it can to protect them from injustice.

Granted, in deep socialist systems, there are problems (not the point of this article). The American government is not a socialist nation. The welfare of its people is not concern number one. Concern number one is the welfare of the super rich; and, more importantly, big business (corporations); and, its military might.

Everything our great nation originally stood for has been manipulated and prostituted to push forth an ever more canabalizing big business agenda. Protecting our nations environment became "communist." If you are against the invasion of Iraq, you are a traitor; if you are against the "right to bear arms," you are a traitor; if you want to reform the predatory lending of credit card companies and banks, you are a socialist; if you want to give a woman the right to choose, you are a "baby killer." In all instances, big business benefits each time the lumpen, unevolved right goes to the mattresses for these causes. Board rooms are giggling with delight at the "impassioned pleas" of the Stepford armies chanting and even murdering dems and blowing up abortion clinics.

Middle Class Loses

The final big lie which had been and will continue to be manipulated for years to come is how the health care reform will bankrupt our nation. All I have to say to this, and I really don't know where these nuts on the right get their balls from, largest unpaid for tax cuts in the history of the world--$1.6 trillion; two wars and both were launched when taxes were being cut; $500 billion and more for the prescription drug reform and completely unpaid for. That was the largest gift to corporate America in US history: real life, not lies or rhetoric, wealth redistribution.

Comments by the hysterical yesterday in the aftermath March 21, 2010 often revolved around how the middle class would be forced to carry this burden. Obama was a "true socialist" because he was stealing from the middle class so as to help the "poor and wetbacks Mexicans." The reform bill is for the middle class! Secondly, there is a little, seldom heard term in all of these debates and it is called "opportunity cost." When Bush chose to cut taxes, invade two nations and reward big pharma with $500 billion, who is footing that bill? Not the rich, their taxes were just cut! Yes, the middle class and this reform will save the middle class $131 billion over the first 10 years and over a trillion dollars in the second ten years. (Where was the republican proposal? How much did they want to save?)

Thanks to the above acts of treachery against our nation, many US states are on the brink of bankruptcy: who is to blame for this, according the hysterical and their drug-addicted demigods? Yes, President Obama caused this pain. Thanks to their incompetence New Orleans is still barely a second world city. The city that had the most effect on the culture of the world over the past 150 years, was left to drown and rot because the President at the time saw no political or commercial gains to be had. Is this normal?

Thanks to their "government is the problem" mumbo-jumbo, our banking system collapsed and the world economy nearly went with it. President Obama saved this banking system and now he will reform it and guess who is against this? Yes, the unevolved GOP. And why, because it is not in the interests of big business; but, it is certainly good for the American people.

Where does this all take us? It takes us to today, March 23, 2010. Despite their best and most treacherous efforts health care reform has been passed; the government-backed college loan program has been passed (it will save us $51 billion over the first 10 years, and what is wrong with that?) and of course they were against it because their big biz buddies would lose profits; banking reform will be passed and perhaps we can avoid future economic meltdowns; and, we will fight with China to protect American business--again, they are against the American worker, also, but they will hide behind some outdated precepts of "open and free trade."

The rhetoric and violence will only increase between now and November. The neo-fascist revolution the Tea Party freaks are trying to ignite is more against the principles of our nation than anything I have seen in my life time; and, sadly many of those people are getting violent and for the first time in our lives we may see actual bloodshed; the unevolved are taking things too far and this cannot be good for our nation.

I will now borrow a conservative mantra of the late '60's: love it or leave it! Got it?