Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Flash--President Obama told Matt Lauer in an interview for The Today Show that he has no illusions about trying to make Afghanistan a democratic nation. That comment, that one little comment shows just how far, in the matter of 3 weeks, we have come from the blind, obdurate, childish, even ridiculus beliefs that W., Mr. Potter and the bulk of the Republican Orgy had/have: you cannot make a purse out of a sow's ear (but you can make a tasty little meal out of that ear). Thank you, President Obama for bring reality back to the Oval Office.

Flash--If your watch doesn't work, do you replace the watch glass? No, you get it repaired at a shop so it starts ticking again. Republican Orgy calls for yet more tax cuts (to quote their demigod, Ron Reagan, "here we go again") are kin to changing the watch glass; or, it is like trying to hold water in your hands. Our economy needs to be rebuilt. Increased consumption, the purchasing of more crap from Wal-Mart, eating out more at Chili's (I do like their black bean burger) will not help our economy; we need to be rebuilt (where is Oscar Goldman--$6 million man fame--when you need him?)

Flash--The repiglicans, now guided by their Uncle Tom (but man, is he an uppidy UT), are so happy that not one single republican voted for President Obama's stimulus package. Now what does this tell us? It is more important for them to keep the American economy (and the world's) in jeopardy so that they can get their tax cuts passed rather than join with a mandated President who is REALLY trying to be BI-PARTISAN. He even brought a Repig into his cabinet!!

Dems have voted with the Repigs in the past and they will in the future; the dems are for governing and for America; the Repigs are truly out for one thing--the destruction of our nation. And, while they are bankrupting us, they are ensuring that they get wealthier and everyone else--including so many of their own--get poorer. This greed broke the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and it too will break them; but, not before it completely obliterates our own chances at recovery.

The world is waiting for us to show responsible leadership. Our president is trying to be responsible and to lead but they are just doing everything they can to ensure he won't/can't succeed--and then they will blame him. Mancur Olson, in his book "The Rise and Decline of Nations" writes about the common good being sacrificed for the good of groups close to power: or capable of preventing power from being wielded for the benefit of all--the republican party is no longer a political party but an interest group strangling our nation and denying us a future.

We are at a juncture as critical, and even more so, than we were on September 12, 2001; why can't they join with our leader, the way the dems did then, and vote for his stimulus package? Vote for our economic recovery? Why? Because they are so greedy that they fear much of this investment will slip past the hands of their friends, their own pockets and they will not get the benefits promised them when they became elected officials.

The Republican Party has now become Amway.

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