Friday, February 13, 2009

Gloves Off 2--The Developing Irrelevance of the GOP

"Our stimulus plan would have cost two times less and we would have created twice as many jobs." These were the words of some idiot republican on CNN today, 13 February 2009. My initial thought was, "ok, if you are such a pro at governing and doing things that are great for the nation, where the hell were you 5 months (let alone 8 years) ago when this crisis melted our economy and turned it into a puddle in the driveway where just yesterday 2 feet of snow stood?"

But, then again, when I saw the "republican" descriptor beneath his name, I realized that those words were empty, meaningless, party-created, anti-frontal lobe, he didn't believe what he was saying himself, etc., etc., etc.

My poor, ball-less dems, they try so hard to fight for what is right for America; they try to be civil and to keep emotions out of the battles; and, really they usually succeed at doing just that: debate remains on a sane and rational level. What they fail to ever understand is that the repigs NEVER use facts or rational argument to win a debate. They abuse emotion, hearsay and just plain lie so as to obfuscate, obstruct and obliterate our nation's chances for recovery, for greatness.

So, rule number one for dems, in order to even give yourself a chance, you must learn to lie. Just blantantly, out and out lie to anyone and everyone about everything. You like coffee, tell people tomorrow you hate coffee; but, when you tell them you hate it, be really, really passionate about it! At the same time, and this is the beauty of being a repig, you can order a coffee! Get yourself a big 20-ounce from Dunkin Donuts--heck, get the Babe Ruth 3-D cup--and pour some half and half in their whilst ranting about the wonders of tea!

Let's go to the repig playbook; in this case, the coffee is a tax-cut and tea is being fiscally conservative; and, at the same time, that they are wailing about being fiscally conservative--in other words, hating coffee--they are screaming for and pushing through Congress massive tax-cuts!!

Now, what is a tax-cut? Some, the repigs, will say it is money not taken from the business owner or the consumer, usually a wealthy person who doesn't really consume as much as the average Joe (hard to phatom, well, not really, Joe buys local and Rich Bob buys not local and quite often internationally); the idea, as simple and genius as flying a kite with a key in a lightning storm to power a city or rubbing two sticks together to heat the house, is that Rich Bob will take this windfall of money and invest it into his business; he will buy more machines so as to make more widgets.

Well, first of all, we stopped making widget years ago because Bob, realizing he could make more by producing in China, moved his production facility off-shore (to China). Secondly, with increased savings from producing in China, because he is paying them $1 an hour, he takes that money and buys real estate in other countries, fancy boats, planes, baseball teams, etc. Guess what, though, he isn't investing that money in anything that is in the long-term interests of America. How much trickled down? Some tips here and there are distributed to the white guys holding open the doors to hotels he is paying $15,000 a night for--where he is probably staying with some call-girl running around $10,000 a night (yes, true trickle down, supply side economics).

A tax-cut is lost revenue. A tax-cut for a lack of any better word is SPENDING! It is welfare for the rich!

Then, the repigs, John McCain, so stupidly called the economic stimulus package a "spending bill"--and our very astute President (it is so nice have a president who speaks fluent English) says "um, what do you think a stimulus bill is [what he left out was "you stupid, tired, old, walking-corpse!]?

McCain goes onto the call the stimulus "generational theft." 8 years of Bush and Republican control has financially broken our nation's back. Our position in the world is more tenuous than it has been since just prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution; our military is so over-stretched that we are probably more vulnerable today than we were 8 years ago. Yet, the repigs have what the dems lack, and they are made of brass and real big, and so they just pretend that none of that was real. You know, this is the one area where they have something in common with the rest of American for there are probably 200 million Americans wishing that the last 8 years weren't real!

McCain made yet another completely mind-boggling accusation, he said that the president should be ashamed for having so blantantly lied to the American people about his desires for working with the republicans. McCain said the blatant partisan approach by Obama was simply crass and should be condemned. He offered to sit with the president today and truly work-out a new plan that is more bipartisan.

Did old-sack-of-dust's "clap-on" not work resulting in him lying on the floor of his office suffering the effects from a massive concussion while Obama was bending over backwards to appease the repigs? 12% of the stimulus plan is lost to tax-cuts! Yes, that is generational theft, I agree!

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky railed that the "taxpayers of today and tomorrow will be left to clean up the mess" of the stimulus plan. Unreal. And, what is his solution for making the stimulus better? What do you think? More corporate welfare, more tax-cuts. They truly have simply lost sight of what works and what obviously does not work. 8 years of supremely failed policies, based on the bogus economic formula of their king and the belief that his tax-cuts made us so strong so more of the same would make us stronger, have left us empty, struggling and simply frozen in the headlights of fundamental, across-the-board, economic turmoil--and this is only the beginning.

If tax-cuts are so good at creating strong economies, why did this crisis tumble us like a house of cards? Yes, mistakes were made along the way by both dems and repubs but, to admit any wrongdoing by a dem, assumes that we are talking with level-headed, educated republicans who too can admit that a) no Reagan was not a king and a genius and his bankrupting of the federal government has come back to bite us in the ass big time; b) that W. and republican abuse of our Constitution and destruction of balance of powers has left us weaker than we have ever been; c) that FDR did lay the ground work for a sound and dynamic economic foundation (to be completed by LBJ); and, d) finally, that Janet Reno could whoop Condoleeza Rice in a fight!

Anyway, thank you Republican party for making it so easy to see you guys fade away into the sunset of redunancy. You attacked FDR for his New Deal and by 1935, there were 17 Republican senators left in Congress; keep up the good work in attacking President Obama while Americans keep losing their jobs, soon there will be 100 dems in the Senate!


Rich Kelsey said...

Explain to me how a tax cut is "welfare for the rich" and how it is "spending."

Do you have an basic, baseline, even a beginner understanding of the tax system. When one gets his or her money back from the government, it is not spending -- it is a rebate on the taxes paid. It is the money earned by and paid by the party taxed.

See, your problem is you think the Government is something more than we the people. You actually think there is something called "government money" and that it should be used as required by an elitist group who know best how to spend it.

The irony of your position is that it is actually Mr. Obama and his friends on the far left that want to give tax cuts to people who do not actually pay taxes. This is the very definition of welfare.

In Beer Veritas said...

A tax cut is AN OPPORTUNITY COST. A tax is collected by the government so it can run/govern the nation. The "tax" according to the "rules of a given country" is the rightful domain of that government. If, the government says, "hey, Charlie, keep that money"...the government has SPENT that money by taking away from the NATION AS A WHOLE for the benefit of an individual--the same sort of argument can be heard when we give welfare to the, welfare for the rich--those who need it less but are so motivated by greed that they become blinded to the needs of their fellow citizens--and, except for on Sunday when they are in Church.

In Beer Veritas said...

A "rebate"...yes, the semantics of that sound nice but the reality is that the gop lives and dreams for the "wilting away of the government"--actually, sounds very communist, the goverment will fade away and the proletariat will rule. But, if you don't water the plant, the plant dies. America is a massive nation with massive expenses to keep it ticking. The GOP seeks to bankrupt the government thereby ensuring the shrinking of government--you will probably tell me that the FDA is bad; I wonder if any of those who died from those peanuts were republicans? I wonder how many of their loved ones will be supporting the Grand Old Propaganda when they find out how all those tax cuts (and occupations of other nations) resulted in the FDA being so underfunded that they simply cannot do their jobs properly. Anyway, you will have some Limbaugian rhetoric to shoo this argument away; or, you will simply tuck way off to the left somewhere. No, you are wrong. Obama is not left, I am not is called pragmatism. It is called giving a damn. It is called America first.