Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tyranny by the Mob

When you have a major political party, one of only two in our "free and democratic system", whose major goal is the complete dismantling of government so that the "people" can rule, you have a major, major systemic flaw: in other words, we are all screwed.

The republican drive since the rise of the lunatic McCarthy which was followed by the more intelligent but just as dangerous Goldwater, and whose disciple went on to become president (Reagan), has been to empower the so-called "patriots" of America so they can fight for the "real freedom" of America. When they say "patriots" they mean people like Mr. "give me liberty or give me death" (Patrick Henry); or, they are referring to people like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams (certainly not John Adams); Paul Revere and so many other rebels against the tyranny of the state; at the time, an English king who mocked our desire to be independent.

The lunatics who today are attacking both physically and verbally the democrats who voted for health care reform are jokes; they are hooligans; they are losers; they are in no way shape or form patriotic; yet, they are armed to the teeth thanks to the craziest and stupidest gun laws in the world's history. They are empowered by a "God" who truthfully wouldn't shake their filthy, murderous, hate-filled hands for fear He would be swayed to their heathen ways.

The GOP loves it when these nuts blow up abortion clinics; they love seeing the attacks which are going on now--isn't it nice to have the crazy on your side, right--for they are not condemning them but rather implicitly saying: "yes, we understand your anger." And so, the crazies continue their threats like the one a representative from New York received: "we will launch sniper attacks against your family." Sniper attacks!!!?? Why does this person have a sniper rifle to begin with? And, why does this white, bald loser feel so empowered to do say such a thing?

Because the modern day GOP is nothing more than a mob. An out of control bunch of America-haters whose sole raison d'etre (which sounds really funny using such a fine term like that for Neandrothals) is to ensure that soon, very soon there will be no government remaining. And, my question, and warning to those lily-white, "God fearing", sexually perverted and non-Christian Christians, is what do you plan to do when you mob turns on you? The day will come when that mob, having rid itself of the dems, of the institutions which regulate fair play and protect us from the murderous and greed-driven missions of big business are all gone, then those tooth-less, moonpie-eating, "my sister is my mother", white, losers with bad knees from their years of fatness and immobility, pose the question: "ok, congressmen from the GOP, now it's your turn to go."

Will they go? No, they won't go but by then they will have ensured that the courts, the military, the armed-to-the-teeth mobs and the "laws" will all guarantee their continued existence so as to protect the nation from "invading forces." All of the emotions needed for a fascist takeover of our nation are in place: xenophobia ("Golly, it's so hard being an American nowadays, er'one hates us."); anti-immigrant; non-stop propaganda by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck and so, so many others. One of our greatest freedoms, freedom of the press, is the one that will ultimately be seen from the mantle of the future as having been the one that destroyed us most soundly. Just like in Weimar Germany, freedom was granted to all to prostelytize their views and legally run for office and by 1929, the Nazis were a legally elected and powerful force in a democratic Germany.

Why are we so sure that cannot happen in America? If I walk into a town in Arkansas, Michigan and Ohio even, with a t-shirt saying "Thank God for Health Care Reform", I stand a good chance of being beaten up or even murdered. Is this normal?

In the way that big business threw its support behind Adolf Hitler from 1932 onward, they were certain that they could control the "raging little Austrian" and they knew his "revolution" would be great for business, so too is big business firmly backing the GOP and the mobs. With the Supreme Court's decision to permit corporations to become "people" and to contribute whatever they want to their causes, yet another seed of our destruction takes hold.

When the elections role around and the best advertising companies in the world are tasked with making creative and convincing ads--these are the same ones that make us think Coca-Cola is good for us and all-American--that say something like "fight for your freedom from Socalist take-over. Fight against the heatlh spending bill on November 4th." A lot of underemployed, uneducated white guys with guns are going fully understand the meaning of that word "fight" and blood will be shed.

The GOP is officially and completely against America. When, when, when, will this become as screamingly obvious to others as it is to me?

Time for us to fight, my friends!

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