Monday, March 22, 2010

Love it or Leave It

As the glitter from celebration settles over our nation's capital, let's take a rational look at what has transpired.

Emotional Propagandizing

Yesterday, as I read about how the Grand Old Party would now devote all its energies to repealing this great health care reform bill for all of America, for the first time I asked myself the question. Putting aside all the emotions and rhetoric, I mumbled in the crowded tram: why are "they" so against this bill? The woman next to me thought I was nuts and this is what I think of those against it. But, I stray...

A recent study showed that people of the conservative affliction tend to be less evolved. This group of people, usually the majority, tend to be the ones not responsible for carrying humankind through to the next evolutionary stage; they prefer the status quo; they prefer to energize as opposed to dissipate social prejudices/injustices:

"Racial and homophobic epithets met the Democratic lawmakers as they entered the House on Sunday." (New York Times. "GOP faces drawbacks..." 23 March 2010.)

Congressman Randy Neugebauer, Republican of Texas, called Bart Stupak--a former priest--a "baby killer" on the floor of the House. It was another GOP congressman who called our president a liar during his State of the Union address; and, in 1859, Congressman Preston Brooks, a southern Democrat--the Party would effectively become the Republican Party after 1876--put Congressman Charles Sumner into a coma by beating him so severely with his walking stick.

Brooks supported slavery; Brooks would have been againt the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and he would have been against Health Care Reform on Sunday March 21, 2010. If the "Republicans" had had their way--please look up the historical switch that occurred in 1876--forget about health care reform, we would still be trading negroes today!


Other fun and lies-filled terms put forth and manipulated by the GOP were ominous-sounding ones like "death panels", "government takeover", "socialism." It is here, on socialism, that I must stop. Honestly, most of the unevolved have simply no idea what socialism is. It's like when people say "irregardless." This word does not exist and socialism, what it truly is, is nowhere to be seen on the American horizon. Socialist nations, real ones, put the welfare of its citizens first. It looks at its people as being the greatest resource and it does all it can to protect them from injustice.

Granted, in deep socialist systems, there are problems (not the point of this article). The American government is not a socialist nation. The welfare of its people is not concern number one. Concern number one is the welfare of the super rich; and, more importantly, big business (corporations); and, its military might.

Everything our great nation originally stood for has been manipulated and prostituted to push forth an ever more canabalizing big business agenda. Protecting our nations environment became "communist." If you are against the invasion of Iraq, you are a traitor; if you are against the "right to bear arms," you are a traitor; if you want to reform the predatory lending of credit card companies and banks, you are a socialist; if you want to give a woman the right to choose, you are a "baby killer." In all instances, big business benefits each time the lumpen, unevolved right goes to the mattresses for these causes. Board rooms are giggling with delight at the "impassioned pleas" of the Stepford armies chanting and even murdering dems and blowing up abortion clinics.

Middle Class Loses

The final big lie which had been and will continue to be manipulated for years to come is how the health care reform will bankrupt our nation. All I have to say to this, and I really don't know where these nuts on the right get their balls from, largest unpaid for tax cuts in the history of the world--$1.6 trillion; two wars and both were launched when taxes were being cut; $500 billion and more for the prescription drug reform and completely unpaid for. That was the largest gift to corporate America in US history: real life, not lies or rhetoric, wealth redistribution.

Comments by the hysterical yesterday in the aftermath March 21, 2010 often revolved around how the middle class would be forced to carry this burden. Obama was a "true socialist" because he was stealing from the middle class so as to help the "poor and wetbacks Mexicans." The reform bill is for the middle class! Secondly, there is a little, seldom heard term in all of these debates and it is called "opportunity cost." When Bush chose to cut taxes, invade two nations and reward big pharma with $500 billion, who is footing that bill? Not the rich, their taxes were just cut! Yes, the middle class and this reform will save the middle class $131 billion over the first 10 years and over a trillion dollars in the second ten years. (Where was the republican proposal? How much did they want to save?)

Thanks to the above acts of treachery against our nation, many US states are on the brink of bankruptcy: who is to blame for this, according the hysterical and their drug-addicted demigods? Yes, President Obama caused this pain. Thanks to their incompetence New Orleans is still barely a second world city. The city that had the most effect on the culture of the world over the past 150 years, was left to drown and rot because the President at the time saw no political or commercial gains to be had. Is this normal?

Thanks to their "government is the problem" mumbo-jumbo, our banking system collapsed and the world economy nearly went with it. President Obama saved this banking system and now he will reform it and guess who is against this? Yes, the unevolved GOP. And why, because it is not in the interests of big business; but, it is certainly good for the American people.

Where does this all take us? It takes us to today, March 23, 2010. Despite their best and most treacherous efforts health care reform has been passed; the government-backed college loan program has been passed (it will save us $51 billion over the first 10 years, and what is wrong with that?) and of course they were against it because their big biz buddies would lose profits; banking reform will be passed and perhaps we can avoid future economic meltdowns; and, we will fight with China to protect American business--again, they are against the American worker, also, but they will hide behind some outdated precepts of "open and free trade."

The rhetoric and violence will only increase between now and November. The neo-fascist revolution the Tea Party freaks are trying to ignite is more against the principles of our nation than anything I have seen in my life time; and, sadly many of those people are getting violent and for the first time in our lives we may see actual bloodshed; the unevolved are taking things too far and this cannot be good for our nation.

I will now borrow a conservative mantra of the late '60's: love it or leave it! Got it?

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